WHAT IS MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale (Finales Extended Museum)

A new “open door” museum for Finales cultural landscape
The MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale is a project that is based on the principals of heritage, territory and of sustainable development that creates a network that links the extended historic and landscape heritage that characterises Finales territory.

The museum aims to share, preserve and enhance Finales cultural landscape that is characterised by archaeological, monumental, artistic and prestigious natural heritage with the conviction that knowing and being able to visit a site both strengthens the sense of belonging and also improves the fruition, promotion and the social-economic development of a territory.
With the digitalization of the knowledge acquired and kept at the Archaeological Museum of Finale, with testimonies ascribable to 350 000 years of frequentation, by various human species, of the territory of Finale, the MUDIF intends to stimulate a process to sensitise the local community and the visitors, to promote the image of Finale through telling the story of the local history and to improve the accessibility and availability of the extended local heritage by making projects, organising and coordinating new opening activities and visits.
To do so, the MUDIF is based on a solid network that is formed by public institutes and local associations that are active on the territory and that share a system of principals, that are here listed, and are capable to define a common identity and to focus their own operative and strategic actions. For the realisation of the three year plan 2018-2020, the MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale – will use the financing from the Compagnia di San Paolo in the tender ‘La valorizzazione a rete delle risorse culturali urbane e territoriali’ along with funds from the town of Finale Ligure and from the International Institute of Ligurian Studies – section of Finale as the proponent institution and as manager of MUDIF.

The MUDIFs project – Museo diffuso del Finale – has its goal to make accessible physically and virtually the vast cultural heritage of Finale by focusing on the archaeological heritage, artistic monuments, natural wonders that constitute the uniqueness of the cultural landscape of Finale by planning and organizing experiential and educational visits of the sites. These are based on themed open-air routes that take advantage of the possibility of communication and of promotion offered by technologies and digital media with strategies of storytelling and territorial web-marketing.
The MUDIF would like to tell the historical events of Finale to those who visit the area by highlighting the complexity and fragility of the territory. For the success of this process of sensitisation the active involvement of the local community is fundamental, in particular of those active in the the tourist sector, especially of the out-door branch. The MUDIF concentrates on typologies of national and international cultural tourism, characterized by a slow and experiential approach that underlines the value and the importance of Finales cultural heritage as the fundamental element of the uniqueness of the territory and for which is able to renovate and diversify the touristic offer through new ways linked to the culture that are able to renovate the offer thanks to a multidisciplinary professional formation.
- Open to the public and make accessible the monuments and principal sites that characterise the cultural landscape of Finale, that are currently closed or little known;
- Tell about the vast material and immaterial cultural heritage of Finale by exploiting the communicative and promotional opportunities offered by technology and digital media;
- Sensitize the numerous visitors of Finale on the historic, naturalistic importance of the territory in which they are staying;
- Expand and diversify the touristic offer of Finale with new out-door cultural activities;
- To activate new ways of specialized businesses in the cultural-touristic sector, throughthe formation of new multidisciplinary professional figures;
- Make more efficient and coordinated the participation of the local community to the valorisation and preservation of the territory;
- Strengthen a network of institutions, cultural associations and local subjects able to sharea new plan for the economic and social development sustainable with the territory..
MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale is currently in a building phase, here are the specific strategic objectives and three-year project plans 2018-2020. In order to realize the activities planned in this first part the MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale will use, as afore mentioned, the funding from the Compagnia di San Paolo along with its own funds from the town of Finale Ligure and the Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri – sezione finalese (International institute of Ligurian studies – sector of Finale).
- Creation of the MUDIF responsive website and related app so to improve the accessibility, visibility and promotion of the territory and of the activities it holds.
- Creation of a polyvalent space with the function of coordination centre and promotion of MUDIF in the setting of the monumental complex of Santa Caterina in Finalborgo, already the seat of the Archaeological Museum of Finale.
- Opening of the museum open-air route that’s titled “Rinascimento Finalese: il paessaggio del potere – Finalese Renaissance: the landscape of power” and concentrates on the monumental emergencies linked to the commissions of the Del Caretto family, as a tool to signal and evaluate a wide territorial context of a vast area. Structural and permanent interventions will be carried out on the access to the entrance and the visit outside the walls of Gavone castle with the aim to improve and facilitate the access to visitors.
- Organization of planned and “on demand” visits based on MUDIF and its thematic paths.
- Creation of a MUDIF management system, that is centralized and participative, and of presences on the territory with the formation of new professional figures focused on the communication of the cultural heritage.
- Thanks to the sharing of the initiatives within the MUDIF network it will be possible to organise a more efficient promotion campaign of the project and of the territory, focused on web marketing tools, based on sharing the slogan of #landscape culture finale that’s translated into various languages.

THE MUDIF NETWORK – Museo Diffuso del Finale
MUDIF – Museo Diffuso del Finale benefits from a network of competent people that support the project and is composed by:
- Municipality of Finale Ligure, as Leading Partner.
- Istituto Internazionale di Studi Liguri – section of Finale Ligure, proponent, coordinator and co-founder of the Project.
- Parish of San Biagio in Finalborgo and Parish of Sant’Eusebio in Perti (Dioceses of Savona and Noli), as owners of some assets.
The realization of MUDIF furthermore uses the well tested competence of the Archaeological Museum of Finale (MAF), which was entrusted with the management of the IISL sector of Finale in 1931 and has always been active in scientific research and in the evaluation of the cultural heritage. The MAF is also part of a network of Ligurian museums and libraries that are managed by the IISL.
Presence right from the beginning of the project:
- Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Municipality of Genova and Provinces of Imperia, La Spezia and Savona, responsible for the territory, which has given its participation in the project.
- Tourism and Hotel association of Finale Ligure e Varigotti.
Furthermore, with the help of specific competence:
- CIMA foundation (International Centre for the Environmental Monitoring), no-profit research group handler of Gruppo di Azione Locale (GAL) of “L’Alta Via del Finalese”.
- Foundation Casa di Carità Arti e Mestieri-ONLUSwith many seats in Piedmont.
Moreover, for a participated management of the project, the MUDIF has the support and organisation of the Council of environment and discipline of the Territory, of the council for Tourism and of the council of Sport, that include within the MUDIF the representatives of the various economic and professional categories that are active on the territory and are interested in the project.

Join in with the MUDIF supporter network Museo Diffuso del Finale for the valorisation and the promotion of the territory and its fragile naturalistic and cultural heritage

Join in with the MUDIF supporter network Museo Diffuso del Finale for the valorisation and the promotion of the territory and its fragile naturalistic and cultural heritage