Aycardi Theatre

A small 19th century jewel in the heart of the town
A simple painted façade with false architectures on the curvilinear front of Aycradi square in Fianalborgo hides the Aycardi theatre, the most ancient 19th century theatre preserved in Liguria. It’s a small 19th century jewel, expression of the thriving social and cultural life that animated the town in that period.

The theatre was constructed during the Napoleonic and Jacobin era thanks to the private initiative supported by the local citizenship between 1804 and 1806. It was built within the Oratory of the Scolopi Fathers annexed to the Institute of the Pious Schools, erected in 1759 as a legacy of Giovanni Andrea Aycardi and suppressed in 1798 by the anticlerical laws of the Ligurian Republic.

MORE INFORMATION – Aycardi Theatre
The theatre went through a first restoration in 1818-1819 supported by a public subscription after a fire had destroyed the interior furnishings. In 1825 the municipality of Finalborgo drew up a contract with the Geonese painters Gerolamo Novaro and Giuseppe Leonardi for a series of scenographies.
With the management passed on to the town of Finalborgo, even with the main families of the town keeping the ownership of the stages, its activity continued regularly until 1850, hosting theatrical compagnies, operas, and musical concerts organised by the amateur dramatic society and the philharmonic society.
After the last representation of the Rigoletto in 1886 a period of crisis brought a transitory stop to the operatic events.
In 1936 the theatre underwent further restoration, from which came the repainting of the parapets of the boxes with garlands and medallions that recalled the glories and monuments of Finale, along with references to the fascist era. After a brief recovery of the activities of the philharmonic society in the subsequent period until the end of the Second World War and its use for New Year’s Eve parties and film projections, the theatre was closed definitely in 1965 for security reasons.
The small space, destined to contain around 250 spectators, is composed of an oval parterre, cut by the forestage, according to a characteristic 18th century model. The parterre is surrounded by two orders of boxes that are separated by masonry pillars and by a superior lodge with wooden columns. The curtains are crested with a rich crest decorated with medallions and floral motifs.
The theatre has recently been restored and recuperated for an upcoming reopening.
How to reach the site
The theatre is in Piazza Aycardi 11 in Finalborgo.
The Teatre is open to visits on scheduled day. Guided tour available on request.
Free entrance
Guided visit on demand: 2€ person
Calendar of visits
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