Palazzo Arnaldi in Finalborgo

A rococco façade in Piazza del Tribunale in Borgo del Finale
In Finalborgo the palace that once belonged to the Counts of Arnaldi closes on the western side PiAzza del Tribunale.

As reminded in the long frieze that is partly preserved on the façade of Palazzo del Tribunale in 1789 the Genoese governor Giovanni Maria Centurioni restructured the ancient Palazzo del Tribunale. He widened the façade and demolished the so-called “casa del Cancelliere” (the Chancellors house) and created the present square.

MORE INFORMATION – Palazzo Arnaldi
The widening made in the dense urban network of the town is delimited by the Palazzo Cremata façade, to the east, with refined stucco window frames and on the opposite side from the painted façade of Palazzo Arnaldi with two orders of windows with stucco frames and a row of graceful apertures under the eaves.
This palace is one of the best-preserved examples of late 18th century stucco rococco decorations of a privileged house. It grew gradually with the unification of the medieval buildings that were adjacent the original nucleus that already belonged to the Arnaldi family in 1675.
The main entrance is decorated with a white marble family crest.
How to reach the site
Finalmarina can be reached by car on the A10 motorway and taking the Feglino exit (if coming from Genoa, Turin or Milan) and the Finale Ligure exit (from all directions) or taking the SS1 road, Via Aurelia. There is also the train station of Finale Ligure.
The palace, that has now been divided into apartments, cannot be visited.
Calendar of visits
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