The hamlet of Orco

The hamlet of Orco stands 377 metres above sea level on the mountain ridge between the Cornei and the Aquila Creek valleys. “Castrum Orchae” fortified military camp of was built on the hill above Orco, thereby showing how ancient the hamlet actually is. Indeed, it was first mentioned in 967, when the area was donated to Aleramo by Otto of Saxony.
Only recently set up as an archaeology park, the fortified castrum1 of Orco was made up of a large square tower that required no defence walls due to its rocky cliff-top position. This is where the original Saint Lorenzo parish church stood. Rebuilt in the second half of the 14th century and featuring interesting 14th- and 15th-century frescoes and a 14th-century bell tower with two rows of double lancet windows, the church porch offers a breath-taking view over the solitary, uncontaminated Cornei Valley.
How to reach the site
Finalborgo può essere raggiunta dagli svincoli dell’autostrada A10 di Feglino (solo per le provenienze da Genova, Torino o Milano) e di Finale Ligure (per tutte le provenienze). È collegato da un servizio di autobus di linea alla stazione ferroviaria di Finalmarina.
Feel free to use fact sheets and website of the Museo Archeologico del Finale to tour the town and its monuments.
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