Rialto – the “creek that springs from high up”

In Italian Rialto means “creek that springs from high up”. This area takes its name from the fact that the village occupies the higher part of the Pora river Valley reaching up to the springs of the creek and the top of Mount Settepani (1386 metres above sea level). This wooded area has many streams and natural waterfalls. The name Rialto is used for a handful of hamlets scattered over these hillsides and grouped together into the three main districts of Cheirano, Villa and Creveglione, whose boundaries are all traced by streams – the subdivision having been attested to by way of 12th-century medieval documents.
The districts are criss-crossed by tiny paths and mule tracks that were used in the Middle Ages to carry construction material, like timber and sand; or produce like wine, wheat, dried figs, cheese and oil. The parish church of Saint Pietro is home to a small Museum of Rural Life, which tells the story of Rialto and how the local population lived on gathering chestnuts, producing charcoal, exploiting the local pasture-lands and offered refuge and respite to partigiani freedom fighters during WW2.
How to reach the site
If travelling on the A10 motorway from Genoa, Turin or Milan, take the Feglino exit; from all other directions take the Finale Ligure exit. A regular bus service runs from the railway station in Finalmarina.
Feel free to use fact sheets and website of the Museo Archeologico del Finale to tour the town and its monuments.
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