The Mediterranean town of Varigotti

Varigotti it’s a unique place because of its beautiful sea and landscape. Its foundations sunk into the beach and picturesque features built into the structure of the houses, this 15th-century village lies tucked away behind the headland. Criss-crossed by a web of alleys and tiny thoroughfares, Varigotti is a Mediterranean village whose buildings hold traits of architecture probably lifted from far-away Mediterranean countries. The same traits also recur in inland villages and hamlets.
Houses are simple and were originally made of exposed stonework: only recently have they been plastered and painted in typical pastel colours. Most of the houses in the village are old renovated warehouses and mills.The history of Varigotti lies in the ruins of the castle or castrum built to defend the ancient harbour; in its excellently-preserved tower and in the medieval church of Saint Lorenzo.
How to reach the site
Finalborgo può essere raggiunta dagli svincoli dell’autostrada A10 di Feglino (solo per le provenienze da Genova, Torino o Milano) e di Finale Ligure (per tutte le provenienze). È collegato da un servizio di autobus di linea alla stazione ferroviaria di Finalmarina.
Feel free to use fact sheets and website of the Museo Archeologico del Finale to tour the town and its monuments.
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