Contemporary Age

A new touristic vocation
With the recent crisis of the industrial age and the rapid transformations of the current society Finale was able to seize the opportunities offered by its territory so to welcome new visitors.

During the last years of the 1980s the outdoor activities that made Finale a famous European destination for “climbers” and “bikers” started, but also attracted people that were interested in its cultural and naturalistic aspects

Finale is evermore focused on the rehabilitation of its historic centres, like those of Finalborgo, Varigotti or Finalmarina, but most of all on the valorisation of a territory that faces both the coast and towards the inland that is characterised by important landscapes. The Finalese landscape is characterised, in fact, by a close connection that unites the peculiar geological and environmental aspects with traces linked to the presence of man. Monuments and archaeological sites, also of great importance and prestige, are set in astonishing natural landscapes.
It is this aspect that we link to the “genius loci” of Finale that always gives us great emotions and grandeur.