The Roman fundus/farmstead in Isasco
Three kilometres up the Isasco road from Varigotti, you will come to Isasco village – inhabited since ancient times. Once a Roman farmstead (Latin: fundus), dating back to the first century CE, Isasco was a small rural settlement which developed on flat terrain whose many springs rendered it especially suited to farming.
During the construction of the connecting road to Le Mànie in 1952-53, a Roman Imperial necropolis was discovered, which was made up of about forty burials. Any archaeological excavations carried out at the site are now overrun by wild vegetation. The necropolis was built along a secondary road connecting the ancient settlement to the coast and to the main Via Iulia Augusta Roman road, which lay further inland in the Ponci Valley.
How to reach the site
Finalborgo può essere raggiunta dagli svincoli dell’autostrada A10 di Feglino (solo per le provenienze da Genova, Torino o Milano) e di Finale Ligure (per tutte le provenienze). È collegato da un servizio di autobus di linea alla stazione ferroviaria di Finalmarina.
Feel free to use fact sheets and website of the Museo Archeologico del Finale to tour the town and its monuments.
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