The hamlet of Verzi

Dominated by the impressive Rocca di Corno (Corno Rock), Verzi stands on the left side of the Sciusa Valley with its 15th-century parish church dedicated to Saint Gennaro; its medieval stone houses with their typical portals and door-steps; its narrow alleyways and typical arches connecting the houses.
Defined “compagna et territorium Verse”, Verzi was first mentioned in a document dating back to 1268 when the area was split up among Giacomo del Carretto’s three sons. The ‘compagne’ were managed by a mayor, who replaced the authority of both pievi and parish churches where political matters were concerned.
However, Verzi’s position at the mouth of the Ponci Valley along the Via Iulia Augusta Roman road, with its five different Roman bridges, quarries, ancient lime kilns and a peculiar vertical rock known as the Idol of Pen may suggest that the town may be considerably older.
How to reach the site
Finalborgo può essere raggiunta dagli svincoli dell’autostrada A10 di Feglino (solo per le provenienze da Genova, Torino o Milano) e di Finale Ligure (per tutte le provenienze). È collegato da un servizio di autobus di linea alla stazione ferroviaria di Finalmarina.
Feel free to use fact sheets and website of the Museo Archeologico del Finale to tour the town and its monuments.
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