Palazzo Ricci in Finalborgo

A private renaissance residence in the town of Finale
Palazzo Ricci in Finalborgo faces Santa Caterina square but originally the main entrance had a grand black stone portal that was set in the narrow Via del Municipio street.

This historic residence constitutes one of the most exquisite and best preserved examples of private noble residences pertaining to the first half of the 16th century in Finale. Currently this building is the seat of the Historic Archive of Finale, the building is destined to become one of the principal poles of the Cultural Heritage system of Finale Ligure.

MORE INFORMATION – Palazzo Ricci in Finalborgo
The current appearance of Palazzo Ricci in Finalborgo which has rich black stone and marble architectonic décor is attributable to the reconstruction ordered by Gio Battista Ricci in 1529.
The posterior façade on Santa Caterina square presents the original painted decoration, that is in need of urgent restoration, with a frieze of putti and bands of fish hanging from the windows. In the façade there are large mullioned windows with slender marble columns beneath a small oculus.
The main façade of the building, which is also characterised by large mullioned windows with a central column, instead faces the other side on the narrow Via del Municipio, where the grand black stone portal opens, with the representation of the Virgin among angels and the initials of the family. Imperial heads decorate the jambs of the portal that are set on two representations of hedgehogs that recall the owners name.
Inside, the building preserves its original features with the elegant vaulted hall, black stone keystones and ceilings. In the staircase, with columns and a marble balustrade, there are two window seats that are decorated with monochrome laggione tiles. The numerous black stone portals and shelf corbels represent a rich decorative repertoire that is typical of the Ligurian environment of the period.
The building was the municipal seat of the town from 1863 to 1927. During this period, in the facade facing towards Santa Caterina square, a new entrance along with a loggia, that was held by reused marble columns, was built in august 1538.
In the main hall, at the first floor, there are the busts of renowned people from Finale and of King Vittorio Emanuele II, along with a 19th century pictorial decoration.
How to reache the site
Finalborgo can be reached by car from the main roads and outside the walls of the historic centre there are plenty of carparks. Furthermore, there is a bus service from the train station in Finalmarina.
There is a functional readjustment project underway that is financed by the Compagnia di San Paolo that will give way to having more access to the site.
Access to the consultation of the Historical Archive of the Finale (Music and Historical Photographic sections)
Bookings for tours are available as part of the “Open door Open art” Project endorsed by MUDIF.
Monday: 09.00-14.00
Friday: 09.00-13.00
Calendar of visits
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